Tuesday, April 8, 2008

change of mind.

I'm actually thinking about using this one so if you could give me some feedback on what needs to be changed that would be awesome. even if it has to be an 11th piece i think i want it in my show.

sweet beats

workin on dat sweet beats logo.
the idea behind this is a gum ball or candy ball of some sorts.
and the lines are like speaker volume abstracted.

acac logo.

So this one is the one i have been stuck on the worst.
here is a picture of the anderson's art center so you can understand the logo.
I wanted to make it very andersonian that people would immediately relate to the arts center.

so here are some attempts to relate the architecture of the new building with the asthetics of line and shape that is so important to art...... i'm having trouble with type placement.

balloon poster

I think this is ready to send to the printers but I need your approval. i worked on the type and made the logo in the bottom corner a different color.

other logos reworked.

let me know what you think about the changes on these.

cairo options

which option do you think works best?